Prayer for the Line 3 Protests*
By the Rev. Connie Yost
Delivered at the Public Prayer for Water Protectors,
Beaverton, Oregon on 9/4/21
Let us pray.
We gather today in the spirit of life, love and solidarity with the Native Americans and others who so courageously are protesting the Line 3 pipeline completion in Minnesota.
In my faith tradition, Unitarian Universalism, we affirm the moral imperative that we must respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
This pipeline represents an assault on mother earth as it endangers precious waterways, draining 5 billion gallons of water for its construction from an area that has had its water supply reduced by 75% in a drought. In addition, its mere existence endangers the water supply of countless people along its path.
As Winona Laduke says, we say “no” to ideas that make no sense and hurt people and the planet. We must look to a future of clean energy, not keep recreating the past that treats people and the planet as things to be used, and used up, and discarded.
We say “no” to callous disregard for Native American treaty rights. It is time, way past time, that we stop waging war on Native Americans, stop stealing and destroying land, and stop assaulting Mother Earth.
We know another way is possible. We know that we can be investing in clean energy and projects and policies that affirm Native treaty rights, and respect and protect the planet.
We stand strong, because our cause is just. As Winona Laduke says, though we are experiencing “the continuing sorrow of a broken system…we work for a future with fewer jails, [more just] laws for people and Mother Earth, and more hope.”
Let each of us call on our own source of strength so we can find it in our heart to stand strong, and have hope, even when the going gets tough.
This we pray, in the spirit of life, love and solidarity.
*Call to Action
Over 700 arrests of water protectors have been made in Minnesota against the Line 3 expansion project and the Canadian pipeline company, Embridge, is barreling towards completed. Embridge estimates the pipeline is 90% complete and expect the pipeline to be operational by October. Every legal challenge has been exhausted in the courts.
YOU CAN HELP by calling President Biden and ask him to stop line 3.
Call 888-724-8946 and leave a message.
Sample Script:
“My name is __________. I live in __________. As a person of faith, I am calling to urge President Biden to revoke permits for oil and gas pipelines like Dakota Access and Line 3, and stop approving all new fossil fuel projects. If the President is serious about his commitment to frontline and faith communities and addressing climate crisis, he must keep fossil fuels in the ground and invest in the communities that have borne the brunt of pollution and climate disaster. Thank you.”
Also call:
Suzanne Bonamici (select committee on the climate crisis, US Congress)
Ron Wyden (US Senate)
Jeff Merkley (US Senate)
Financial Support is needed and appreciated:
Pipeline Legal Action Network
venmo: (do NOT use the word “bail” anywhere) @stopline3
Copyright 2021 Constance B. Yost. All rights reserved.